
“What a gift to spend the whole weekend with wonderful women, good food and just reflecting on your life’s deep purpose. Elizabeth’s thoughtful questioning and guidance helped me kick start an intentional path towards living my best life-and months later, I can still say I’m following it!”
- Jane P.

Journal for Life
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ignite your life retreat!

life coaching for women
with Elizabeth Stanley ACC, CPCC

October 3, 2020

9 am - 4:30 pm

Gain clarity, tap into your inner strength and courage to embrace the life you want to live.
Equally valuable for young women planning their next career move or for experienced women heading into retirement.


Elizabeth is a certified life coach experienced in helping women identify what they want in life and how to get there. Learn more about her on her website:


During this one day long retreat you will :

  • Under Elizabeth’s thought-provoking leadership, use proven tools and strategies, including vision boards, to identify what moves and motivates you and unlock previously untapped ideas.

  • Connect with other women in a picturesque hilltop setting.

  • Take reflective nature walks on-site.

  • Enjoy an artisanal lunch.


Limited to 6 participants

This one day retreat will be held in a screened-in porch or outside (weather permitting).

Cost : $130
includes materials and lunch